Siri port was in talks soon after its release as a major feature of iPhone 4S back in October. Siri is an iPhone 4S exclusive feature but millions of iPhone 4S and other older iOS device owners set their eyes on jailbreak community for a complete functional Siri port. A lot famous iOS developers from jailbreak community started working to make Siri work on iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch or any other older iOS device.


Almost every developer working on Siri port for older iOS devices achieved it, so by the end of November Siri was successfully ported to iPhone 4,iPhone 3GS, and iPod Touch 4G. But none of them could release the port just like that because it contained code from Apple which was obtained from encrypted IPSW file for iPhone 4S. Developers also explained in detail that why they can’t release a Siri port right now.
But everything got changed with just a minor bump; Apple released a minor iOS 5.0.1 build update and boy it turned the tables around. The whole filesystem was wide open for access, which made it possible for hackers to get required Siri files from iPhone 4S IPSW and use it to port Siri to iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G and other iOS devices.
CHPWN, famous iOS developer in collaboration with Ryan Petrich has finally released his fully functional and completely legal Siri port for older iOS devices. “Spire” Siri port promises to give you Siri like experience without worrying about piracy.


Introducing Spire

Spire is my (along with Ryan Petrich) new tool for installing Siri on previously unsupported, but jailbroken, devices. Spire is a small download, but while installing it will download Siri itself (directly from Apple). Spire is available in Cydia right now — go get it! This will use about 100 MB of data, so please connect to Wi-Fi before installing.
However, Spire is not a complete solution. Apple still requires authorization to use Siri, so information from an iPhone 4S is still required. To insert this information, Spire allows you to enter your own proxy server address. I’ve put up a list of my ideas on how you might get access to a proxy; hopefully you can figure something out.
Spire uses a new method to obtain the files necessary for Siri, so it doesn’t have the copyright issues encountered by previous attempts. Similarly, rather than directing all traffic through a specific proxy server (and the associated privacy issues), Spire allows you to specify your own proxy server.
Thanks to planetbeing for PartialZip and Ryan Petrich for his fixes and improvements.

Spire will directly download required Siri framework files from Apple and install them on your older iOS devices which remove the piracy factor from this Siri port.
Couple of things you should know about Spire Siri port:
  • Spire Siri port will work on iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G, iPad 1 and iPad 2 running iOS 5.0 or above.
  • Spire Siri port itself is a really small package but it will download required Siri framework files which weigh around 100MB, so make sure you’re connected to a WiFi network before installing Spire Siri port.
  • Spire Siri port is not compatible with Semi Tether jailbreaks
  • You will need to reboot your iOS device which means you will have to boot it in tethered mode, so make sure you have a computer near you while installing Spire.
  • As Apple still requires authentication so you will need an authentication code from your or anyone else’s iPhone 4S (I know it sounds weird but that’s how it works).
  • You will need to setup a SiriProxy server in order to make Spire port work. CHPWN promises to release an easy way of setting up SiriProxy sever in coming days.
Spire Siri port is available for download in Cydia right now; you can get for your older iOS devices right now.

 via [chpwn]