Themes (Springboard)
6079) iCandy iNav - An iPhone Springboard Theme.
Themes (SpringBoard)
6080) iCandy iNav iPhone - An iNav Springboard Theme.
6081) iCandy iNav Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6082) iCarbon Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6083) iCartoon - This theme has a nice elegant look to it with cartoonish Icons. Includes wallpaper, lockbackground, icons, and dock.
6084) iCartoon - Simple but fun theme for the iPod Touch 4 for use with Winterboard
6085) Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod touch
6086) Ice Macro
- Ice Macro theme for WinterBoard. Includes wallpaper, lockbackground,
and sliders. Wallpapers brought to you by
6087) Iceland Flag Video Theme - Winterboard theme for iPhone and iPod touch.
6088) Iceworld
- Iceworld theme for WinterBoard. Includes wallpaper, lockbackground,
and sliders. Wallpapers brought to you by
6089) ichigo Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6090) iCirles HD Theme - custom homescreen & icons; follow directions...
6091) iClassic iPod Icon Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6092) iCLASSIC Theme - Winterboard theme for iPhone and iPod touch
6093) iClassy Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6094) iClean Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod touch
6095) iCleared - A theme intended to be clean and clear.
6096) iColor - iColor theme for your iPhone or iPod
6097) iColorant - A beautiful iNav theme by version. check more info more screenshots,setup guide and designer info.
6098) iColors iNav Theme - iColors iNav theme for your iPhone or iPod
6099) iCon - Elegant vectorized theme by MyBessa from Includes custom icons, wallpaper, dock, status bar, and badge.
6100) Icon Masks by Dennis - rectangular masks for Appstore icons
6101) iCounterStrike Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod touch
6102) iCrumple Theme - homescreen & icons theme for your iDevice
6103) iCubester - Sleek theme with over 200 3d cubed icons, wallpaper, lockbackground, page indicators and more!
6104) Icy Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6105) iDaft - This is a simple yet sophisticated daft punk theme For use with WinterBoard.
6106) iDaft Theme - Music homescreen theme for your iDevice
6107) iDarken Folders Theme for iOS4 - Folder and Multitask-dock Background theme for iOS4
6108) iDawnOS Beta - The latest version of iDawnOS Beta (previously known as The Dawn).
6109) Identity iNav Theme - Winterboard iNav theme for iPhone or iPod
6110) iDespair Theme - 150+ icons, pac-man sliders, lock/unlock sounds, custom battery and MORE!
6111) iDevice Theme - iDevice theme for your iPhone or iPod
6112) iDexfta V1 Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6113) iDiamond HD Theme - Diamond icons for your homescreen
6114) iDomo-Kun HD
- This is a semi-complete theme. it has animated lock-screen and
loading screens for main apps, the icons for app store apps are all
changed. it has some internet buttons. the ipod is themed. also the SMS,
phone, calculator. (this is my first theme so go easy on me, but u will
not regret downloading it cuz i think its pretty good. so if your a
domo fan download this. PLUS ITS FREE) ps. Dont let domo bite your
fingers off
6115) iDoodle Theme - iDoodle theme for your iPhone or iPod
6116) iDozed SD
- iDozed SD, Created by iDozed, is a classy matte theme for your
iphone/ipod with over 30 icons and counting, it will give your iphone
that classy feel you've been looking for!
6117) iDraw
- iDraw is a hand drawn theme. Each icon depicts the original but with a
hand crafted touch. Unthemed icons have a mask applied to help complete
the overall look of the theme. This update brings support to the lock
screen battery and folders icon for iOS 4.2.1+
6118) iDroid R3M!X Theme - droid style icons with retina support
6119) iDS Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6120) iDynasty Theme - iDynasty theme for your iPhone or iPod
6121) iEclipse Theme - homescreen & icons theme for your iDevice
6122) iElegance Pro New Icons Theme - Winterboard theme. Icons for your iPhone, iPod or iPad
6123) iElements Theme - simplified two-letter homescreen icons
6124) iFade Black Theme - iFade Black theme for your iPhone or iPod
6125) iFade Green Theme - iFade Green theme for your iPhone or iPod
6126) iFade Grey Theme - ifade grey theme for your iPhone or iPod
6127) iFade lBlue Theme - iFade lBlue theme for your iPhone or iPod
6128) iFade Red Theme - iFade Red theme for your iPhone or iPod
6129) iFall Theme - iFall theme for your iPhone or iPod
6130) iFathom HD - iFathom HD for WinterBoard. Works on all devices including the iPhone 4 retina display.
6131) iFire Theme by Tristen - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6132) iFirst Theme - A very simple iPhone and iPod Touch. This is the one of the earlist iPhone themes. Now comes with per page wallpapers.
6133) iFrilk Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6134) iFun - Fun and simple looking theme for iPod Touch. For use with Winterboard.
6135) iGalaxy Theme - Winterboard theme for iPhone and iPod touch.
6136) iGlass
- A theme for WinterBoard with 440+ glassy icons on an angled
perspective, wallpaper, lockbackground, battery, sliders, badge,
UISounds, and a few more extras.
6137) iGlass Art iPhone Theme - iGlass Art for iPhone theme for your iPhone or iPod
6138) iGlass pro - Glass theme with icons. For use with Winterboard.
6139) iGlass Sol Remix Theme - iGlass Sol Remix theme for your iPhone or iPod
6140) iGlassArt Theme - Winterboard Theme for your iPhone or iPod
6141) iGlassSol
- Full Version. One of the most downloaded themes for WinterBoard by
Jesse c. 261 Icons, Badges, Sliders, Calculator, MusicPlayer Skins and
much more! Preview in More Info.
6142) iGlassSol Original - Original Version of iGlassSol.
6143) IGlassSol Remixed Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6144) iGradient Theme - A stylish, full theme for your iDevice
6145) iGraffiti
- Theme with 4 different graffiti type backgrounds, custom icons, and a
6146) iGreece Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6147) iGreen - A iGreene. One of The Strangest & The Coolest.
6148) iGuns - Theme of ak's, desert eagle's, uzi's, and ammo boxes.(ONLY FOR GUN LOVERS).
6149) iHacking iVista Theme - iHacking iVista theme for your iPhone or iPod
6150) iHacking OSX Theme - iHacking OSX theme for your iPhone or iPod
6151) iHD Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6152) iHearts
- This theme has an overlay icon that makes all icons a heart shape in
OS4, for iphones 3g 3gs and ipods, iphone 4 doesnt support this feature
yet, follow me on twitter @colombianlink20, For use with winterboard
6153) iHeros - iHeroes is a complete theme for Winterboard for all the TV Show fans of Heroes. Based on theme Umicon for the icons.
6154) iHide iSteamy - A simple theme to completely destroy all evidence of the iSteamy app. See Screenshots.
6155) iHideTheSlider - iHide the slider is a cool way to make your lock screen more secure. See screenshots.
6156) iHorde
- Horde crest theme for WinterBoard. Includes wallpaper,
lockbackground, and sliders. Wallpapers brought to you by
6157) iHTC Pro Theme - Winterboard homescreen theme for your iDevice
6158) iHTC Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6159) iinkwood - iinkwood theme for winterboard.
6160) iJoker Theme by Christina - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod touch
6161) iJustine Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone, iPod or iPad
6162) iKat Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6163) iKiwi HD
- iKiwi HD for WinterBoard. Works on all devices including the iPhone 4
retina display. Includes Wallpaper, Lockscreen Background, and complete
Slider set. Great for overlaying existing themes.
6164) iKosova.RidvanZ Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6165) iKwam Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6166) iKyle Theme - iKyle theme for your iPhone or iPod
6167) iLandscape Theme - iLandscape theme for your iPhone or iPod
6168) iLeather HD
- iLeather HD for WinterBoard. Works on all devices including the
iPhone 4 retina display. Includes Wallpaper, Lockscreen Background, and
complete Slider set. Great for overlaying existing themes.
6169) iLeft 4 Dead Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6170) iLeopard
- A leopard style WinterBoard theme for iPhone & iPod Touch with
icons, wallpaper, lockbackground, status bar, dock, WiFi bars, and
sliders. To complete the look install the "Mac Categories" addon for and use "blank apps". To get more wallpapers for this
theme install the "iLeopard Wallpaper Pack".
6171) iLighten Folders Theme for iOS4 - Folder and Multitask-dock Background theme for iOS4
6172) iLimpid
- iLimpid - a clean, smooth and elegant theme with 225+ Icons included!
If you need more icons, email or go to - Forum - iPhoneReleases and search for "iLimpid".
6173) illumine Extra Icons
- 440+ missing icons for the famous illumine theme. Any requests for
additional icons should be emailed to, more
updates coming soon!
6174) illumine Extra Icons HD - Icons missing from illumine theme. Now in HD, Sporting the retina display.
6175) ILLUMINE ICONS Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6176) iLove Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6177) iMac Book - iMac Book theme for your iPhone or iPod
6178) iMac iCons Theme - homescreen icons like small iMacs
6179) iMac Jai Style - Mac style theme for use with WinterBoard.
6180) iMac User Style - Mac style theme for use with WinterBoard.
6181) iMatrix - This theme adds a cool, animated matrix background to your home screen! Enjoy!
6182) iMetal Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod touch
6183) iMixPod - Nicely designed theme - *Supports mainly in Hebrew*.
6184) iMoGeN Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6185) Impressions Theme - homescreen, icons theme for your iDevice
6186) Imprint
- Imprint, a theme designed by cbren & iThemer of
Imprint is a glyph-based theme that practically is an "imprint" on the
base of the icon. Includes a .psd icon template.
6187) In Orbit
- In Orbit theme for WinterBoard. Includes wallpaper, lockbackground,
and sliders. Wallpapers brought to you by
6188) iNature Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6189) iNav Abstract Theme - iNav Abstract theme for your iPhone or iPod
6190) iNav Clouds Theme - iNav Clouds theme for your iPhone or iPod
6191) iNAV Green Apple - An awesome iNAV theme with great icons and wallpaper.
6192) iNav iWood - A BeautifuliNav Theme.Check more info for ScreenShots and setup.
6193) iNav Mac-inTouch - iNav-MacinTouch.A complete iNav Theme. You need to have 48 Blank Icons to make this theme work.
6194) iNav Metal Theme - iNav Metal theme for your iPhone or iPod
6195) iNav Point - Beautiful iNav inspired theme.
6196) iNav Sterling Remix Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6197) iNav Sterling Remix Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6198) iNAV Tabs (silver) - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6199) iNav Water Lighter Theme - iNave Water Lighter theme for your iPhone or iPod
6200) Incense
- Incense theme for WinterBoard. Includes wallpaper, lockbackground,
and sliders. Wallpapers brought to you by
6201) Inception
- This theme is only a beta and will be a COMPLETE theme in a few
weeks. This is also my first theme and being so I want it to be a great
theme. Theme based on Inception the movie.
6202) Inception HD - Inception HD for WinterBoard. Works on all devices including the iPhone 4 retina display.
6203) Incineration - Winterboard theme with a dock, three wallpapers, badge, and round flaming icons.
6204) Incredible Nexus Droid Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6205) Indianapolis Colts
- An Indianapolis Colts theme for WinterBoard with 170+ clear icons,
wallpaper, dock, battery, signal bars, wifi bars, sliders, weather
backgrounds, and more.
6206) Indianapolis Colts Theme - Indianapolis Colts theme for your iPhone or iPod
6207) Indistinguishable Icons Theme - Semi-transparent icons for your homescreen
6208) Individual Theme by WHKUEN - custom minimal homescreen, icons, statusbar
6209) Industrial Theme - Industrial styled theme theme for WinterBoard.
6210) iNegative Icons Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone, iPod or iPad
6211) INewTheme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6212) inFamous LBP - This is a them that includes a LBP inFamous Lockscreen and wallpaper.
6213) Infamous Theme - theme for your iPhone or iPod
6214) Infiniti G35 Theme - Nissian Infinity G35 theme for your iPhone
6215) InfoWars Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6216) Infusia
- Very pretty theme for WinterBoard, now includes, Dock, WallPaper,
Sliders, Badge, slider text mask, and 27 icons for now. For use with
6217) Infusia Flow
- Infusia DockFlow to go with the Infusia theme, Icons should be placed
in the following order left-2-right for best results; Safari, Mail,
Phone, Text, iPod. For use with WinterBoard.
6218) Inkshire Seeds (Lite) Theme - organic minimalist homescreen w/ icons
6219) iNMF West - A Complete Winterboard Theme.
6220) Input Output
- Really cool 3D abstract theme for WinterBoard. Includes wallpaper,
lockbackground, and sliders. Wallpapers brought to you by
6221) Inspiration - This theme was created by Jarolin Vargas/NYzillest for use with winterboard.
6222) Inspired by Parskid Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod touch
6223) Installous HD Icon Theme - App Icon theme for your iDevice
6224) Inter - Inter-Mailand Fussball theme for WinterBoard.
6225) Interstellar HD - HD theme. 31 icons, lockscreen, keypad, wallpaper, mediaplayer and more
6226) Into The Future
- Into The Future theme for WinterBoard. Includes wallpaper,
lockbackground, and sliders. Wallpapers brought to you by
6227) Invaded
- Invaded theme for WinterBoard. Includes wallpaper, lockbackground,
and sliders. Wallpapers brought to you by
6228) iNversion - iNversion is a theme made by me AKTechreviewer or AKT. For use with Winterboard.
6229) Inverted iCons Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6230) Inverted Portal Icon Overlays Theme - video-game orange portal icons for apps
6231) Invisible Dock - A simple theme that makes your dock invisible! Works with both retina and non-retina devices.
6232) Invisible Icon Theme
- This theme replaces icons to blank pictures, removes the shadows, and
tweaks the folder icons too. It gives the device a kind of hacker feel,
or slightly less GUI look, if you like that. Try it out, and my other
stuff. I recommend using a solid color wallpaper.
6233) Invisible Pin Theme - Invisible Pin theme for your iPhone or iPod
6234) Invisible Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6235) iOlympiakos Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6236) Ionic - One seriously bitchin' theme for SummerBoard by Allen.
6237) iOra Touch Theme - iOra Touch theme for your iPhone or iPod
6238) iOrb Theme - theme for your iPhone or iPod
6239) iOS 4.3 FaceTime Icon Theme - iPod touch FaceTime icon for homescreen
6240) iOS Style UISettings iOS5 - iOS Style UISettings is a theme for UISettings that will make it fit more with iOS look.
6241) iOS4 Blue Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone, iPod or iPad
6242) iOS4 by enigma - Nice iOS4 style theme for WinterBoard.
6243) iOS4 Chrome
- This is a great theme. Don't believe me? Ask the 30,000 users who
already have it and enjoy it. Now, this theme covers your whole phone.
Also, it supports 4.1. This theme doesn't support the retina display but
it'll still work, it may just be blurry. Like this theme? Follow me on
Twitter "GagesiPod", please? Got any requests? Email me. Enjoy!
6244) iOS4 Complete
- To help celebrate 150,000 downloads I am releasing the next major
version of iOS4 Complete (1.5). This update improves all the images and
upgrades them into a higher quality it also natively reflects the dock
icons without the need for a thirdparty app like ReflectiveDock. I have
spent a lot of time and work on this project, I greatly appreciate
donations especially considering this theme is of high quality and is
free. For any questions, donations, comments, feedback, concerns, or
anything else feel free to email me at
6245) iOS4 Font Theme - special theme for homescreen icon labels
6246) iOS4 for iPod Touch 1G - This is a theme to make your iPod touch 1st Gen look exactly like an iPod touch 2G running iOS 4. Enable in Winterboard.
6247) iOS4 Rainbow Signal Bars Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone, iPod or iPad
6248) iOS4 Retro Apple Signal Bars - cell signal bars become retro apple logo
6249) iOS4 Theme by enigma - Winterboard theme for your iPhone, iPod or iPad
6250) iOS5 Complete
- OS5 Complete is a replica of the current beta of iOS5. This theme
recreates everything, from new backgrounds to the new icons. It also
includes everything found in iOS4. If you have any questions, comments,
or concerns feel free to email me at Be sure to
check out my other themes, iOS4 Complete and iPad Complete.
6251) Iowa Hawkeyes
- Full theme for Iowa Hawkeyes fans out there, from custom lockscreen
icons and slider icons to app icons, all the way down to sms bubble
colors, loading screen for sms messages and custom sms background, and
custom dialer screen.
6252) iPad - This theme is made to look like the iPad. Looks great with Shrink 66% icons and reflective dock enabled.
6253) iPad Ben 10 Alien Force Theme - Winterboad theme only for iPad. Wallpaper, icons, lockscreen, sounds, sliders network indicators.
6254) iPad Complete
- iPad Complete is a complete iPad theme for iPhone and iPod Touch. It
includes the dock, wallpaper, slide, lock background, shadows and more!
6255) iPad Modern Warfare 2 Theme - Winterboad theme only for iPad. Wallpaper, icons, lockscreen, sounds, sliders network indicators.
6256) iPad OS X Theme (iPad Only) - Winterboard theme for your iPad
6257) iPad Resident Evil Theme - Winterboad theme only for iPad. Wallpaper, icons, lockscreen, sounds, sliders network indicators.
6258) iPad Theme - WinterBoard theme for iPhone and iPod Touch made to mimic the iPad.
6259) iPad Theme - An iPad theme for iPhone iPod Touch.
6260) iPad Theme by Daniel - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6261) iPad Theme by Horoscope911 - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6262) iPad Theme By ov3rB1t - An iPad theme for iPhone and iPod Touch.
6263) iPad Voice Control Enabler Theme - Apple Messaging theme for your iPhone or iPod
6264) iPadtouch - The best ipad theme ever. An update will be soon with more icons.
6265) iPalm WebOS Theme - iPalm Web OS theme for your iPhone or iPod
6266) iPanda - Beautiful white icons with panda holding a few.
6267) iParquet Theme - parquet design homescreen and lockscreen
6268) iPerfect LiveClock Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6269) iPerfect Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6270) Ipheonix_remixted Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6271) iPhilippines Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod touch
6272) iPhoeniX Custom Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6273) iPhone 3G Auto Focus
- --ONLY WORKS ON IPHONE 3G IOS 4.1-- Although the iPhone 3g doesn't
have the correct hardware for auto focus, it does have the correct
software =P I think it ajusts the lighting lol. For use with
6274) iPhone 4 Folder Themes - Folder Backgrounds theme for iOS4
6275) iPhone 4 O2 Carrier Logo Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone, iPod or iPad
6276) iPhone 5 - Pretty simple theme to the iPhone 4 but with the look of a mac.
6277) iPhone Alon Hen Theme - 3D icons, hebrew homescreen and lockscreen
6278) iPhone Blueprint Wallpaper - Awesome iPhone blueprint wallpaper, check out the screenshots! For use with WinterBoard.
6279) iPhone Congruency Sbsettings - iPhone Congruency Sbsettings theme for your iPhone or iPod
6280) iPhone OS 3.0
- iPhone OS 3.0 theme. Includes the 3.0 redone versions of the Phone,
Text (to be called Messages), Stocks & iPod icons. For use with
6281) iPhone OS 4 Complete Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6282) iPhone OS 4.0 Theme by AMurphy - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6283) iPhone-Symbian Fuego Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone, iPod or iPad
6284) Iphonemobb Theme - Winterboard Theme for your iPhone or iPod
6285) iPhoneRuet Theme - Winterboard Theme for your iPhone or iPod
6286) iPhoneSDKDeveloper Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6287) iPhoney Theme - iphoney theme for your iPhone or iPod
6288) iPink - A Springboard theme.
6289) iPink Icons
- A set of 2400+ icons as an addon package for the complete theme iPink
for WinterBoard. Installing this package will also install the iPink
6290) iPlant Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6291) iPod 2 iPhone Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6292) iPod app on iPod touch iOS4 Theme - Winterboard theme for your iOS4 iPod touch
6293) iPod Jailbreak Hacker Theme - iPod Jailbreak Hacker theme for your iPhone or iPod
6294) iPod Nerds Theme - iPod Nerds theme for your iPhone or iPod
6295) iPod Theme - A very smooth theme with greyish touch.Original icons are based off of tenuis theme all credit to the author of tenuis.
6296) iPod touch 4 Doodle Theme - colorful hand-drawn homescreen & icons
6297) iPod Touch 44 Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6298) iPod touch Carrier Logo Theme - Winterboard Theme for your iPhone or iPod
6299) iPod Touch Theme - iPod Touch Theme for use with WinterBoard.
6300) IPod touch to IPhone Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6301) iPod Vista Theme - iPod Vista theme for your iPhone or iPod
6302) iPod Wallpapers - Fading slidshow of built-in stock wallpapers.
6303) iPod2iPhone Transform Pack
- iPod2iPhone is a Winterboard package that turns your iPod Touch into
an iPhone. This theme does the following 1.Adds signal Bars along with
the AT&T Carrier. 2.Adds the Phone, Camera, and Messages app***
3.Combines the Music and Videos app to create the iPod app. *** To have
the Phone,Camera, and Messages, you need the following APP STORE APPS.
iCall, textPlus, Flickit. For more visit the developer's website below.
6304) ipodhacker58 - ipodhacker58 theme for use with WinterBoard.
6305) iPodRo Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod touch
6306) iPodsoul Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6307) iPro (no bottom bar) Theme - Winterboard theme for iPhone and iPod touch.
6308) iPro Theme - Winterboard theme for iPhone and iPod touch.
6309) iPro Theme by Chris - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod touch
6310) iPS3 - iPS3 a Black PS3 icon Theme.
6311) IPT 2G Multitasking And Wallpaper Toggles
- Toggle multitasking and wallpapers on iPod Tough 2G. The options will
show up in WinterBoard. The options are multitasking only, wallpapers
only, and both.
6312) iPT4 Old FaceTime Icons
- This is for the 4th gen iPod Touch Only! This is the old FaceTime
icons which was found on iOS 4.1 and 4.2.x. This will install the
homescreen and the mini one for the spotlight search.
6313) iPTMP Theme Pro - Stylish homescreen & icons. 3 languages
6314) iReal Theme - A nice custom theme of real objects as icons.
6315) iRealistic Theme - Winterboard homescreen theme for your iDevice
6316) iRed Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod touch
6317) iReeder Colours - a nice theme with a colourful Slider, Lock Background, Icons and Wallpaper.
6318) iReeder Ultimate - a Theme which contains alot of extras!
6319) iReeder Xbox Theme - wallpaper/lock background, homescreen icons & more
6320) iRelapse Refill Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6321) iRelapse Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6322) iRemade HD
- a Simple HD retina Only theme for those looking for a simple but yet
drastic new look to your iphone 4 (ipod Touch 4G support coming with
next update) features for now are simple springboard images and all
stock app icons as well as some cydia icons. many updates to come in
the future with many add-ons.
6323) iReplaced A PC
- A simple WinterBoard theme featuring custom wallpaper, battery,
slider text, power off text, answer call text, and lockbackgound.
6324) Irish - This is a theme mostly based on the irish colors which in the theme I used green and yellow.
6325) IRN-BRU Theme - a nice rin-bru theme including sounds backgrounds icons and a bettery charge screen.
6326) Iron Giant Theme 1 - Cool Iron Giant theme for use with WinterBoard.
6327) Iron Maiden Theme by Omar - from iron maiden fans. homescreen, lockscreen & more
6328) Iron Man - A WinterBoard theme inspired by the motion picture Iron Man with 150+ icons, badge, and custom battery.
6329) Iron Man 2 Theme
- Iron Man 2 Theme for iPhone/iPod Touch. Few custom icons, sliders,
and Ironman wallpapers for the SpringBoard and LockScreen. For use with
6330) iRule Theme - iRule theme for your iPhone or iPod
6331) iSayHello Theme - sparkly Hello Kitty icons, wallpaper & more
6332) Theme - WinterBoard theme with custom icons, wallpaper, lockbackground, sliders, and battery.
6333) iScribble Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6334) iSheen - A theme with custom icons, a light colored apple background, and a grassy looking dock.
6335) iSimple - The Simplest WinterBoard Theme.
6336) iSimple Grey Theme - isimple grey theme for your iPhone or iPod
6337) iSimple Lblue Theme - isimple lblue theme for your iPhone or iPod
6338) iSimpsons Theme - A Simpsons based theme for your iPhone or iPod
6339) iSkate kubilay Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6340) iSky - Beautiful theme with custom icons, wallpaper, lockbackground, and various other UI elements.
6341) iSlack - A tribute to the best Linux Distro.Un tributo alla migliore distro linux che esista.
6342) iSlacky Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6343) Islams Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6344) Island Pods
- Island Pods theme for WinterBoard. Includes wallpaper,
lockbackground, and sliders. Wallpapers brought to you by
6345) iSmaller Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6346) iSmokeBlue Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6347) iSmokeWeed HD Black Page Indicators - black theme element for your homescreen
6348) iSmooth Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6349) iSporting Theme - home & lockscreen, best Belgian football team.
6350) iSquare Theme - theme for your iPhone or iPod
6351) iStarCraft 2 Theme - Winterboard Theme for your iPhone or iPod
6352) iStorm
- Make your iPhone / iPod Touch look like the BlackBerry Storm with
this WinterBoard theme. Includes icons, wallpaper, dock, badge, sliders,
and more. (Install iBlank application from Cydia to add the blank apps
for special icon alignment.)
6353) iStorm Xmas - The christmas version of the popular iStorm theme. Includes icons, wallpaper, dock, badge, sliders, and more.
6354) iStormX Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6355) iStyle Theme by Jake - Winterboard theme for your iPhone, iPod, or iPad
6356) iSummer Theme - iSummer theme for your iPhone or iPod
6357) iSupra Wallpaper - iSupra Wallpaper for your iPhone or iPod
6358) Italian Serie A Theme - Cool theme with all the serie a team icons.
6359) Italy Flag Style Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6360) Italy Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod touch
6361) Italy Theme - A theme inspired by Italy.
6362) Itamaris11s Theme - Winterboard theme for iPhone, iPod and iPad
6363) iTango
- a WinterBoard theme with more than 140 icons, wallpaper, and lock
screen background. iTango is no longer dependent on BossPrefs MobileCal
Patch. The calendar icon now shows the current date. See for more.
6364) iTb Modern Warfare 2 Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6365) iTechnius Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6366) iTeckX Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone, iPod or iPad
6367) iTheme - Sleek theme for WinterBoard with icons, wallpaper, sliders, lockscreen, and more.
6368) iTheme_dev Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6369) ithinkfresh Theme - personalized homescreen theme for your iDevice
6370) iToons ExtraDocks
- These vibrant docks, although designed for the iToons Complete theme,
go great with and set up. With 15 vibrant colors to choose from as,
there's no limit to what you can do with your iPhone's Springboard!
Version 1.1 features six new stylish docks to choose from.
6371) iTouchWizard7 Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6372) iTransform to iPod iOS4 Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone, iPod or iPad
6373) iTransparent - A Springboard theme. Features beautiful clear icons.
6374) iTron Theme - Stylish movie theme for your iDevice
6375) iTru Blu Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6376) iTunes 10 Icon - This changes your iTunes icon to the iTunes 10 icon. iPhone 4 compatible.
6377) iTunes 10 icons Theme - iTunes icons for your iPhone, iPod or iPad
6378) iTunes Dance Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6379) iTunes Dance Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6380) iTypeLimeGreen Theme for iTypeFastr - iTypeFastr theme for your iDevice!
6381) iUddevalla - iUddevalla theme for use with WinterBoard.
6382) iUltra Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6383) iUnforgettable Theme - custom wallpaper, dock, icons, statusbar, & sliders
6384) iUnique for iTouch Theme - Dark homescreen and custom icons
6385) Iv Ever Low Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone, iPod or iPad
6386) iVillian - iVillian theme for use with WinterBoard.
Themes (Springboard)
6387) iWater
- A Winterboard Theme.Theme with underwater icons. Un tema in stile
acqua, secondo di un pacchetto di temi che ho chiamato i4Elements
composto dai temi iHell, iWater, iAir e iEarth
Themes (SpringBoard)
6388) iWindows 7 - The best windows 7 theme for the ipod touch and iphone.
6389) iWonder 2011 Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6390) iWood Theme - It's a theme with very much wood. For use with WinterBoard.
6391) iWooden Theme - This is a very good theme with woody icons and more!
6392) iWoodFrames Theme - Wood icon frames for your homescreen
6393) iWoodRealise Theme - Winterboard Theme for your iPhone or iPod
6394) iWorld - A Beautiful WinterBoard Theme. Simple & Clean with 82 Icons.
6395) iYairWhite - A clean modern theme for WinterBoard with custom icons, wallpaper, dock, lockbackgroud, sliders, calculator skin, and more.
6396) iYairWhite Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod touch
6397) IzayakMiku-Despair Theme - Durarara and Vocaloid homescreen & icons
6398) IZelda Theme - videogame custom lockscreen, dock & homescreen
6399) iZune
- A very unique theme for WinterBoard. For this theme you'll need to
install Categories, iBlank, and Fivelrows (Five rows). To make it even
better, you can use InfiniBoard to scroll vertical. See screenshots for
setup guide.
6400) J0RD UI iNav Theme - colorful iNav homescreen theme
6401) Jaadu Theme - Jaadu theme for your iPhone or iPod
6402) Jack Daniels
- Jack Daniels theme for WinterBoard. Includes wallpaper,
lockbackground, and sliders. Wallpapers brought to you by
6403) Jacksonville Jaguars
- A Jacksonville Jaguars theme for WinterBoard with 420+ clear icons,
wallpaper, dock, battery, signal bars, wifi bars, sliders, weather
backgrounds, and more.
6404) Jacobs Rainbow Theme - Jacobs Rainbow theme for your iPhone or iPod
6405) Jadiel un Tsunami Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod touch
6406) Jagermeister
- Jagermeister theme for WinterBoard. Includes wallpaper,
lockbackground, and sliders. Wallpapers brought to you by
6407) Jagermeister SMS Theme - Jagermeister SMS Theme For use with WinterBoard.
6408) Jagged Blue - Jagged Blue WinterBoard theme with 225+ icons, wallpaper, lockbackground, badge, sliders, battery, and much more.
6409) Jagged Red
- A complete theme for WinterBoard with a full set of UIImages, 100+
app icons, wallpaper, lockbackground, badge, sliders, battery, and more.
6410) Jai Veeru Theme - Jai Veeru theme for your iPhone or iPod
6411) Jailbreak Theme - Jailbreak Theme for use with WinterBoard.
6412) Jailbreaker - Jailbreaker Theme. Dedicated to Chronic Dev Team and iPhone Dev Team. For use with Winterboard.
6413) Full Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone, iPod or iPad
6414) Jailbroke Slider Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6415) Jailbroke Slider Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6416) Jaio - An awesome theme with 4 colors to choose from, 210 icons, a lockscreen, and a badge!
6417) Jakes BMX Theme - theme for your iPhone or iPod
6418) James Reimer Maple Leafs Theme - hockey goalie custom home & lockscreen
6419) Jamiroqaui_partial Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6420) Japanese Tech
- Japanese Tech theme for WinterBoard. Includes wallpaper,
lockbackground, and sliders. Wallpapers brought to you by
6421) Jason Lockscreen Theme - Jason Lockscreen theme for your iPhone or iPod
6422) Jason Theme
- A Jason (Friday 13th) inspired theme for WinterBoard with icons,
wallpaper, lockbackground, battery, sliders, sounds, and more.
6423) Jaydens ART Part 1 Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6424) Jbk Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone, iPod or iPad
6425) JBLegends Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6426) Jean Denim
- Jean Denim theme for WinterBoard. Includes wallpaper, lockbackground,
and sliders. Wallpapers brought to you by
6427) Jeff 3_0 Theme - Jeff presents Jeff3.0 theme for your iPhone or iPod
6428) Jeff Dunham Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6429) Jeff Gloss Theme - Jeff Gloss theme for your iPhone or iPod
6430) Jeff Gordon
- Jeff Gordon theme for WinterBoard with 140+ icons, wallpaper, dock,
battery, signal bars, wifi bars, sliders, weather backgrounds, and more.
6431) Jeff Nav Theme - Jeff NAV theme for your iPhone or iPod
6432) JenaLeeHD - JenaLeeHD is my new theme of the French singer jena lee. is a theme with compressed HD and 3 icons wallpaper scrolling.
6433) Jesse James Theme - Jesse James West Coast Choppers theme for WinterBoard.
6434) Jessica Alba Backgrounds Theme - Featuring photo backgrounds. Theme for your iDevice
6435) Jessica Alba Red Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6436) Jessica Alba V2 Theme - rotating wallpaper, sms, dock, lockscreen & more
6437) Jessica Alba White 2 Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6438) Jessica Hiel HD - Jessica Hiel HD for WinterBoard. Works on all devices including the iPhone 4 retina display.
6439) Jesus Theme by j p - Winterboard theme for your iPhone, iPod or iPad
6440) Jesus Theme by Jesus-Cow - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6441) JFiPod Theme - Just for iPod theme for your iPhone or iPod
6442) Jima6636 Theme - Jima6636 theme for your iPhone or iPod
6443) Jimbohurt Theme - Winterboard theme for iPhone and iPod touch.
6444) Jimi Hendrix
- Jimi Hendrix theme for WinterBoard. Includes wallpaper,
lockbackground, and sliders. Wallpapers brought to you by
6445) Jimmy Page Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone, iPod or iPad
6446) Jiten - This theme is for Mac lovers nice icon pack and wallpapers!
6447) JL Audio Theme - A theme for JL Audio enthusiasts. Includes wallpaper, battery, and sliders. For use with WinterBoard.
6448) jMacPhone - Snow Leopard HD Icon pack for iPhone 4. For use with WinterBoard.
6449) Johnny the King Theme - custom lockscreen, homescreen and icons
6450) Johnnys Theme - Johnnys theme for your iPhone or iPod
6451) Johns Animated Theme - Winterboard Theme for your iPhone or iPod
6452) Johns Hopkins Lacrosse Theme - Everything Johns Hopkins, homescreen & icons
6453) Johns Whale Theme - Winterboard Theme for your iPhone or iPod
6454) JoJos Theme - JoJos theme for winterboard.
6455) Joker The Dark Knight - Joker theme for use with WinterBoard.
6456) Jordan Kickz Theme - Jordan Kicks theme for your iPhone or iPod
6457) Jordan Shoes Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod touch
6458) Jose Cuervo
- Jose Cuervo theme for WinterBoard. Includes wallpaper,
lockbackground, and sliders. Wallpapers brought to you by
6459) Joy Division Theme - Joy Division theme for your iPhone or iPod
6460) JP Theme 2 - Winterboard theme for your iPhone, iPod or iPad
6461) jPad - Mac OS X Icon pack for iPad. For use with WinterBoard.
6462) jPhone - jPhone HD icon pack for iPhone 4. For use with WinterBoard.
6463) Js0ns MixandMatch Theme - Js0ns Mx&Match theme for your iPhone or iPod
6464) jTheme by Joeran - Artistic hand-made theme for your iDevice
6465) Judgement Day
- Judgement Day theme for WinterBoard. Includes wallpaper,
lockbackground, and sliders. Wallpapers brought to you by
6466) Juicy Couture Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone or iPod
6467) juicystar07 Theme - Winterboard theme for your iPhone, iPod or iPad
6468) Julius & Friends
- Paul Frank "Julius & Friends" Winterboard theme by Meebz with
NonTransparent Icons, Wallpaper, LockBackground, Edge Icons, Battery,
SMS Bubbles, and Sliders.
6469) Julius & Friends Transparent
- Paul Frank "Julius & Friends" Winterboard theme by Meebz with
Transparent Icons, Wallpaper, LockBackground, Edge Icons, Battery, SMS
Bubbles, and Sliders.
6470) Jupiter
- Jupiter theme for WinterBoard. Includes wallpaper, lockbackground,
and sliders. Wallpapers brought to you by
6471) Justin Bieber Theme by Isaac - Music star homescreen & icons theme
6472) Juventus - Juventus theme for WinterBoard.
Themes (Springboard)
6473) Juventus Theme - Theme of the italian football club Juventus. Tema della Juventus.
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